Rosemarinus officinalis
Plant Description Medicinal Properties
Special Precautions Some Preparations
Aromatherapy Magickal Properties


Plant Description

Rosemary is an evergreen, half-hardy shrub that originated in the Mediterranean and is now widely cultivated in many countries because of its popularity as a kitchen herb. It is even grows suitably in our Philippine weather. It has strongly aromatic leaves that is leathery in texture and dark green to top but light (almost white) underneath. It supposedly flowers in April or May in pale blue or sometimes white blooms but I have yet to see my own plants flower.

Medicinal Properties

Rosemary is a very useful herb to have handy in the kitchen because it is not only valuable as a cooking herb but also as a medicinal remedy as well. It is good general tonic because its scope ranges from improving digestive dysfunction to aiding liver action through the production of bile to helping in poor circulation. Since Rosemary has a stimulant action, it is best not to take it before bedtime.

Rosemary has particular applications to the head. Combined with chamomile, it is used for headaches, with cardamom for depression, and by itself for improving scalp condition, strengthening hair growth and preventing premature baldness. Rosemary even makes a good mouthwash for the prevention of halitosis.

Rosemary contains carnosic acid a substance that prevents oxidation. For this reason, rosemary is a good preservative for preventing fats or oils from going rancid. This also makes rosemary an antioxidant for our bodies. This means that it inhibits free radicals, another by-product of oxidation that damages healthy cells in our body. These free radicals are responsible for such chronic diseases as cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, and premature aging. Another active ingredient of rosemary is rosmarinic acid which is antiviral and antibacterial to help fight infections. It is also an anti-inflammatory substance.

Rosemary is also reported to be a brain booster probably because chemicals called acetylcholinestrase inhibitors, which prevent the breakdown of a chemical produced by the brain called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine deficiency is pointed out in such ailments a Alzheimer's disease and other memory problems.

As a slimming supplement, Rosemary helps to digest fat better and keeps wastes from accumulating, including cellulite deposits. It also has antispasmodic properties making it helpful in bronchial conditions because it helps relieve bronchial spasms to improve breathing.

Special Precautions

Excessive amounts of Rosemary can cause taken internally can cause fatal poisoning. Do not use if pregnant because of a potentially abortive effect although small amounts in cooking may be acceptable.

Some Preparations

Tea: Steep 1/2 to 1 tsp dried flowering tops or leaves in 1/2 cup hot water for 3 to 7 mins. and strain. Take only up to one cup a day.

Oil: Make an oil infusion by soaking the fresh or dried leaves in vegetable oil for at least 2 weeks. Shake at least once daily and strain. This may be used as a rub for the hair before rinsing out with a gentle shampoo as treatment for a dry scalp. The oil may also be use for rheumatism, eczema, bruises and sores.

Vinegar Infusion: Is used for weak hair and greasy scalp. Make like in oil infusion and add 2 tsps of this to the final rinsing water.

Bath additive: Infuse about 50 g leaves (around 3 tbsps) to 1 liter hot water and use with or without borax as hair rinse to prevent baldness or simply add to bath water as a tonic soak.

Typical Dosage: Usual oral dosage is 4 to 6 g per day (about 1 teaspoonful)


Scent: Herbaceous, woody, sharp, camphoraceous

Therapeutic uses: Known for it memory enhancing properties. It is also used in massage oils because it especially penetrating as a liniment and is excellent for increasing poor circulation. It is antiseptic and works well as a vapor balm that can be applied on the chest and throat to relieve lung congestion and sore throat. However, it is a stimulant to the nervous system and increases energy. Cosmetically, it aids dry mature sky to produce more of its own natural oils.

Warning: Could be overly stimulating and may increase blood pressure.

Magickal Properties (from Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs)

Some Folk Names: Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Compass Weed, Incensier, Libanotis (Greek), Polar Plant

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Powers: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Youth

Magickal Uses: Rosemary, when burned, emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations, and so is smouldered to rid the place of negativity, especially prior to performing magic. It is one of the oldest incenses. Place under the bed, protects the sleeper from harm. Rosemary is hung on the porch or doorposts to keep thieves from the house and is carried to remain healthy. Placed in the bath, it purifies. Rosemary has long been used in love and lust incenses mixtures and are stuffed in healing poppets because of its curative vibrations. Rosemary infusion is used to wash the hands before healing work, and the leaves mixed with juniper berries are burned in sickrooms to promote healing. If you wish to receive knowledge or the answer to a question, burn rosemary on charcoal and smell it smoke. Rosemary is known to attract elves, and the powdered leaves wrapped in linen cloth and bound to the right arm dispel depression and make the emotions light and merry. Rosemary is generally used as a substitute for frankincence.

More Recipes: (coming eventually)

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