This Book is a record of things gone past Things of the present and things yet to pass May it serve as a guide for its holder, here and now May it start a tradition to my children I'll endow.
O Goddess, since I found You my days are so rich With Your wisdom and Your bounty which I constantly seek This Book is a manuscript of the magick that I found In living a life where Your blessings abound
My God, You who guide the other half of my existence I thank You that for awakening me to the Goddess's presence You are the Balance and the Spirit that provides Protection for this Book and for the rest of my life.
Let no being touch this Book who is not deserving To know its contents and the secrets It is keeping For if they who are unworthy ever try to peek within Shall find they have started something they didn't wish to begin!
And may those who are graced with the opportunity to view These pages that contain my spiritual stew May you benefit from the spells that this Witch had to brew And may enlightenment be the Great Spirit's gift to you.
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