Spelled Out
from Wiccan Info Center
is the use of the natural forces of nature to bring about needed
changes. To help attract, arouse and direct these energies the magician
makes use of tools. These can be costly items such as jewel-encrusted
daggers and gleaming silver censers, or natural objects such as
twigs and rocks. Stones, trees, rivers, leaves and plants make up
the tool roster of nature magick, as well as a few "store bought"
items such as mirrors, candles and cords.
manipulation of these tools, coupled with a driving need, is often
enough to work the magick, to get some of the powers of nature rolling
to bring about your needed change. Magick is deceptively simple
and incredibly easy, a fact that should be kept in mind while reading
these pages.
planting a stone in the ground, holding a leaf, or drawing a picture
of an automobile, in and of themselves, do nothing. It is when such
actions are performed in an emotionally charged state that changes
are wrought and magick is truly done. To perform effective magick
three neccessities must be present: the NEED, the EMOTION, and the
need is simple. You wake up one morning with a splitting headache
you can't get rid of. Or you may find out you need a hundred dollars
by the end of the month. A friend may be looking for a new love.
In all cases, a need exists. Need should not be confused with desire.
Desires are often passing; what one desires one morning may be pushed
aside the next morning for something else. A desire is a whim; a
need is a deeply-felt, important, all-consuming state.
emotion, too, is clear. You may need a job, for instance, but if
you are not emotionally involved in the seeking of employment, worried
or anxious or fretting, all the spells in the world won't bring
it to you. This is why it is sometimes fruitless to do spells for
others, unless you can feel the same need that they feel - emotionally.
knowledge constitutes the body of magickal lore. In other words,
a spell or ritual, or the basic theories behind them which allow
you to make your own. A spell or ritual is simply one way of doing
something. There are many ways, and many possible variations on
each spell. The basic principles are easy and will be discussed
throughout this book.
these three necessities, anything can be accomplished, limited only
by our experience and time. The former is the key - only by performing
magick will you know whether it works or not. Magick is somewhat
simular to an unknown footbridge. At first you'll step lightly on
it, testing, seeing if it is safe. After a while you'll stride over
it confidently, knowing where to step and where to avoid.
people approach magick with suspicion, ready to believe but unable
to do so without proof. This is healthy. Belief is one thing, but
certain knowledge is quite another. With a belief there exists the
possibility that it may not be true. Certain knowledge, however,
is just that - the fruits of experience which allow you to accept
something completely. Limitations - doubts and false beliefs - are
crushed only through hard work and perseverance. Many people feel
it is worth the effort, but this is purely a personal choice.
In magick? Yes. Not in the sense of values and ethics, whether societal
or personal, for such are ever-changing. Rather, morality in the
spiritual sense.
should be worked for positive effects, never for nagative effects.
The manipulation of power to cause illness, pain, death; to destroy,
steal or otherwise harm another person's property; or to control
other people is negative magick. The latter includes forcing someone
to fall in love with you or someone else or to have sex with you;
to break up a marriage or romance; to change another person's mind
- to force a person to do something they don't want to do. Magick
isn't an open field where egos and selfish urges can be gratified
on a whim. There are dangers awaiting anyone who performs negative
workings. such magick might manifest, but the heavy penalties are
never worth the effects. There is a magickal principle that what
you put into magick is exactly what you will receive. If you perform
beneficial magick you shall receive beneficence back. The negative
magician, however, shall receive only negativity, and eventually
it will destroy its wielder.
light of this principle there seems to be no reason to perform negative
magick (which is often termed `Black Magick'). Indeed, there isn't.
Those who remain unconvinced and do so shall receive the fruits
of their actions. It is, of course, the beneficial aspect of magick
that makes it, and its user, divine.. Negative magick has always
had its adherents. These are those who are seduced by evil, blinded
by the temporary power it offers them, who can't see the light until
it is too late. Some of the magick in this book is destructive,
and this may cause some confusion. Most of us connect destruction
with evil. However, the destruction of negativity itself - such
as bad habits, obsessions, diseases, and so on - isn't negative.
Since this harms none but rather actually helps, it is safe to view
it as positive magick.
for the Self
performed for yourself is not selfish, for it betters the world.
Many people seem to think it is fine to cast a spell for a friend
but could never do anything for themselves. This is a regrettable
idea, and should be exorcised as soon as possible. Only if you are
healthy, happy and financially sound can you help others, just as
you must love yourself before you can expect others to. Part of
the confusion comes from techniques used. Magick that aids you but
harms another should be avoided, for it is not in keeping with magickal
morality. Usually there is a way to improve yourself or your love
life without harming others, and this is the magick that should
be utilized. Never feel greedy when performing magick for yourself
as long as it harms none.
for Others
you make your magickal activities known others will come to you
and ask for spells to be performed. You will have to make a decision
whether or not to do the magick for them, and this decision must
be based upon a few factors.
is only one hard and fast rule when it comes to working magick for
others: if it feels good, do it. If not, don't. People can be quite
cagey when asking for magick to be performed. Often they'll colour
their explanations, or openly lie, to convince you to work. Even
good friends fail to see the truth in some matters, or might blow
one incident out of proportion. Based on such evidence you might
well tackle a problem magickally that doesn't even exist, thereby
wasting your time and energy. People will also want you to accomplish
something by magick which they could do themselves if they rolled
up their sleeves and went to work. With all these unsaid thoughts,
hidden truths, lies and deception, what can you do? In magick, it
is best to perform an act of divination to get some answers.
is a magickal process whereby the unknown becomes known. It is performed
with a host of tools - mirrors, clouds, tea leaves, coffee grounds,
tarot cards, dust, wind - nearly anything that can be used as an
instrument of the subconscious, or psychic, mind.
type of divination lets the powers of the universe themselves determine
the future through moving objects or symbols. To those of us who
are not consciously, willfully psychic, divination allows us to
see the future if only for a few fleeting moments. Through the use
of random patterns, reflections or other focal points, psychic impulses
- which are always being recieved by our subconscious mind - are
allowed to trickle to the conscious mind, and thereby become "known".
also entails the use of several objects which are then manipulated
either by the magician or by forces of nature themselves, to reveal
the future. These include stones, flowers, and flames. Some forms
of divination use both methods. Divination serves a very important
place in magick, for it allows us to know all the circumstances
surrounding a situation, especially one for which a friend wants
you to work magick. Thusly, it enables us to make rational decisions
whether or not to do the magick based on more complete information.
any magickal operation, generally speaking, divination should be
done to ensure that the need is there, the emotion is sufficient,
and that the knowledge is certain and correct. But divination isn't
limited strictly to magickal questions. It can be used as a guide
to everyday problems that crop up in life. Most of the methods are
short and, with practise, should give you results. Since there are
many different methods of divination, it is best to experiment with
several until you find one that works for you. One word of caution:
divination when used to look into the future outlines possible events.
If you don't like what you see, take action to change your life
before the future becomes the present.
Power Hand
speaks of the power produced by the body which is used in some spells
and rituals. This is that part of the universal energy that maintains
our bodies. Some of this power is released by the emotional state
achieved while performing magick and is sent along with the other
energies you have raised to bring your need into manifestation.
The power hand is the hand through which these forces are released.
This is the hand you write with. If you are ambidextrous, and can
use either hand, choose one hand and stick with it. This hand is
used in magick to present, hold, throw or otherwise perform in a
ritualistic way a portion of a spell. It is best to use the hand
you write with where called for in specific rituals, because this
is a skilled hand and it is thought that energies are naturally
released through it. Thus, if you drew a symbol representing your
need with your power hand, the symbol itself would be infused with
a bit of your energy.
have been the basics of magick. It has been said that magick was
the first religion, and that if you lovingly utilize the forces
of nature to cause beneficial change, you also become one with them.
It is these powers that have been personified as Gods and Goddesses.
Attuning with them is a spiritual experience and is the basis of
all true religion.