am sure you might have read some of these from other sites or books
but it seems to me that this place just wouldn't be complete without
including these principles because it is part of who I am and what
I believe in. Besides, not everyone can afford to buy all the books
in the bookstores that are needed for your study of Wicca and Magick
or have all the internet time to surf around to dig up these info.
So consider this page a handy and concise reference to the basics.
you consider yourself a witch or pagan and you haven't read any
of these yet, I think it would serve you well to at least know about
them whether you decide to subscribe to these beliefs or not. It
most certainly helps to expand your horizons intellectually to assist
you in your spiritual quests because Mind and Spirit, together with
Body are always tied together.
If you are not Pagan, Wiccan, or a Witch, then I invite you to read
these principles as well while trying to keep you prejudices at
bay. You will then gain insight to this wonderful path that some
people of the same world that you inhabit follow. I can assure you
that we believe in the same God although this Divine Being may be
perceived differently by other people than you do. It will not harm
you to know about these matters. If you are so, uhhh..."anal-retentive"
(how much more politically correct can I get than that! But in layman's
term, i believe the right term is "tight-assed") as to
think it will harm you to read these things, then you are so severely
limiting yourself and I can't pity you any more than I already do.
God does not limit man, only we do it to ourselves.